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Congratulations on Ofsted Success, St Joseph's Hertford

Congratulations to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School (Hertford) on a successful Section 8 Ofsted inspection

Ofsted has reported that St Joseph's has taken effective action to maintain the "Good" standards identified at the previous inspection.
In particular, the inspectors noted in their report that St Joseph's is a place where every pupil is nurtured, encouraged and
supported to achieve their best.  With the Trust's guidance, the school has developed a clear and focused curriculum
that prioritises the most important learning for pupils.

"Good behaviour is the norm at this school.  In lessons, pupils stay focused on their learning. 
Around the school, they show respect and kindness to adults and each other. 
The school has high expectations for attendance and works closely with parents to ensure that
pupils make the most of their time in school."

"The school's commitment to personal development means they prepare pupils for life beyond the classroom. 
Pupils broaden their horizons, learn about different cultures, and build ambitions for their future."

"The school has developed an inclusive environment, providing well for pupils with special educational needs."

"Pupils thrive in this warm and inclusive school community. 
They look forward to attending each day, arriving promptly and ready to engage with their learning."

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