On Tuesday 28 January, we were lucky enough to welcome Alison Lindsell, Outreach Support and Specialist Teacher from Amwell View School to host a continued professional development session. 45 attendees from across our Trust schools including support staff, teachers, SENCos and headteachers were in attendance to upskill on the topic of adaptive teaching for pupils with SEND.
Alison delivered an engaging and thought-provoking session, challenging staff to reflect on how they can effectively plan and deliver curriculum knowledge and skills progression, whilst recognising individual children's starting points. Collaborative working around one individual lesson context allowed staff the opportunity to consider how their planning can build upon a child's prior knowledge and experience and offer learning activities that are pinpointed more precisely at the individual's next step. Doing so would provide a highly effective personalised curriculum for our most vulnerable pupils. Staff were provided with assessment materials and resources to support their future lesson planning which will be supported by SENCos across all schools.
Staff feedback from the session was overwhelmingly positive.
"Eye-opening realising how to look at progress in a different way"
"This training confirmed the importance of children making progress at the level they are at.
Not rushing ahead and focussing on challenging always, but meeting children at their current level"
"Helpful to consider the child individually and the importance of small steps of learning for success"
"I now have the assessments needed for SEN children that are much more bespoke"
"Excellent ideas and great shared practice"
Moving forward in this way we aim to embed a consistent approach to pupils with SEND ensuring they receive teaching and learning opportunities based upon clearly identified starting points. This will result in a rich and progressive curriculum for all. We would like to thank Alison Lindsell and Amwell View Outreach Team for the time and excellent sharing of expertise.