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  • Congratulations on Ofsted Successes

    Congratulations to St Mary's and Sacred Heart schools on
    successful Ofsted inspections. 

    The final reports have now been published and are available on the schools websites.

    St Mary's Catholic School Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
    The quality of education - OUTSTANDING The quality of education - GOOD
    Behaviour and attitudes - OUTSTANDING Behaviour and attitudes - OUTSTANDING
    Personal Development - GOOD Personal Development - OUTSTANDING
    Leadership and Management - GOOD Leadership and Management - GOOD
    Sixth-form Provision - GOOD Early Years - GOOD

    We are extremely proud of this positive outcome which is testament to the care and commitment of our staff, the support of parents, and of course a celebration of the wonderful children. (Mrs Fusi, Headteacher)

    The outstanding ratings for quality of education and for behaviour and attitude is recognition of the commitment of our staff and the hard work of our amazing students. (Miss McHugh, Headteacher)

    "This is a happy school, where everyone receives a warm welcome" (Sacred Heart)
    Pupils know the high expectations that staff have of their work and their behaviour.  Pupils strive to meet these high standards.  Pupils' positive attitudes to their learning are palpable.

    "The quality of education pupils receive is exceptional" (St Mary's)
    The curriculum is well-designed and commonly understood.  Teachers have the expertise to deliver subject content highly effectively.  As a result, pupils achieve consistently highly in public examinations.

    "The culture of positive behaviour at St Mary's is remarkable" (St Mary's)

    "Pupils behaviour is exemplary" (St Mary's)
    During lessons pupils engage fully in their learning.  They respond confidently to questions, work hard and produce written work which is of a high quality.  During unstructured times, the school is a calm environment.

    "St Mary's is a very special community to be part of" (St Mary's)
    The school provides an environment that enables its pupils to flourish in a caring, safe and inclusive setting.  Pupils and staff alike describe the school community as feeling like a family.

    "The energy, determination and tenacity of school leaders and the trust are bringing about effective and sustained improvements for pupils" (St Mary's)

    "Pupils know the high expectations that staff have of their work and their behaviour.  Pupils strive to meet these high standards.  Pupils' positive attitudes to their learning are palpable." (Sacred Heart)

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